young girl sleeping in my while sucking on thumb

Losing Baby Teeth: What to Expect

Team Pediatric Dentistry

It seems like only yesterday your child’s baby teeth began poking through - and now they are starting to fall out. One by one over the next few years those baby teeth will be replaced with permanent adult teeth. This time can be heart wrenching as it signals that your little one is growing up. 

When it all begins, though, your child is likely going to be scared - and you are going to need to remain calm. This natural process of losing baby teeth will pass soon enough. In the meantime, here is what to expect. 

When It’s Common to Lose Teeth

It takes a while for kids to start losing teeth - even though it seems too soon once it starts happening. Generally, most kids will lose their first tooth around age 5 or 6. From there, they seem to just start falling out regularly until around age 11 or 12 when all baby teeth should be gone. 

The first teeth to fall out are usually the central incisors, commonly referred to as the front teeth. And they work their way around the mouth, with the last teeth to fall out being the second molars.  

The Loose Tooth

Your child is surely going to come to you with a loose tooth one day. Maybe he or she just discovered it by accident - or maybe a bite of lunch left the whole thing discombobulated. Either way, your child is sure to find fascination in it. Wiggling it with his tongue or playing with it with her fingers - the tooth will soon come out to make room for the new tooth! Let the tooth fall out naturally.

“It’s Out!” - What to Expect

When the wiggly tooth has finally made its way out, it may bleed just a little. This is especially true if it was pulled out or forced out, rather than falling out naturally. The tissue surrounding the tooth is very sensitive and traumatizes easily. 

If bleeding does occur, have your child gently swish warm salt water in his or her mouth. This should be all that is needed. However, if the bleeding continues, biting down on wet gauze or a wet tea bag (whichever is more handy) should work to stop the bleeding. 

If you feel like something is not right or the bleeding won’t stop, then call your pediatric dentist. 

Orange County Pediatric Dentistry Is Here For You

At Orange County Pediatric Dentistry, we know it can be scary when your child loses his or her first baby tooth. You may question what you should do, what is normal, what is cause for concern, and so on.  

Bring your child and all your questions to Orange County Pediatric Dentistry. We will help you lay the foundation for your child’s lifelong oral health. 

Call our office today at 845-928-2206 . Or, schedule an appointment online.